Most people don't think about where food in the grocery stores comes from, until it's gone.

This week we made and donated 200 more masks to the Farm Workers' communities in Wimauma, FL -- facilitated by Beth-El Mission and Peace Presbyterian Church.
Farm workers are so often forgotten in discussions and legislation of health and safety, yet they do some of the hardest work at the bottom of major farms' supply chains with little or no benefits such as a minimum wage, sick pay, health insurance and vacation.
The supply shortages and uncertainty caused by COVID has revealed how essential they have been to keeping food in stock across grocery stores in our state and country, and they deserve protection just as our nurses, postal service, transportation and grocery workers do.
Thank you so much to Ofelia Uribe and Teresita Matos-Post, as well as their entire teams for keeping these workers fed and helping their families stay afloat during this pandemic. 
Every week you feed over 700 families in need which is absolutely incredible. This embodies the deepest meaning of Service to the community and we are grateful to be a part of it 💖
Every dollar you donate helps us keep making and giving out masks to people, especially frontline workers, who need it!

Together we will get through this pandemic!
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